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Hello,I have implemented a little project with a nucleo board with STM32G474RE MPU. The purpose is to manage the firmware upgrade, written in the user flash, from a PC connected via USB interface. The MPU, when boots up, start in the DFU modality sin...
Hello,I have seen that in the new version of STM32CubeProgrammer (v 2.14.0) there's a new API that can be used to program a flash using DFU bootloader (API which I didn't see in my previous STM32CubeProgrammer).In addition to the writeMemory() now we...
Hi everyone!Possibly I'm not able to see the right parameter to modify and so I hope there is an easy answer to my question. I'm working with the STM32CubeIDE with a project to begin to test how ADC works for STM32G474RE. I'm working with the graphic...
STM32G474RE flash in single bank configuration is not correctly managed with STMCubeProgrammer if connected to target in DFU USB mode. In that configuration always 256 pages of 2K size are shown. If I connect STM32CubeProgrammer via ST-LINK to the sa...
I'm working with a host PC running a C++ Visual Studio project which is running some API calls to implement the DFU protocol. Those API are exposed by some DLL and LIB file available with STM32CubeProgrammer. The host PC is connected via a USB cable...
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