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Resolved! STM32L052 - RTC with implausible or Zero - Content after RESET due to leaving the standby mode by recognizing of level LOW on RTC-TAMP1 (PC13)

The tamper contact RTC.TAMP1 on PC13 is used for entering and leaving the standby modus in tamper - level - detection - mode. The detection of low level on RTC-TAMP1 finishes the standby mode and restarts the controller. That is all OK. but in about ...

FEber.1 by Associate II
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STM32L073 RTC/LCD clock frequency

The RTC/LCD clock can be derived from HSE (prescaled). In this case, the prescaler must be chosen appropriately so as to get an RTC/LCD frequency within the admissible range.Using CubeMX, when the limits are exceeded, the tooltip says:* (tooltip over...

SZano by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F411CE DMA odd interaction with PWM timer

I am trying to use DMA to capture data in the background (from ADC) while I use PWM to control 2 motors. When I use DMA to capture the ADC values from my sensors it works fine. When I only use my PWM timers (without DMA in the background) the PWM wor...

KClos.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! About sleep mode (STM32F303)

I once read that when waking up a microcontroller from any low power mode, it will start as we have pressed the reset button, but, the reference manual says this: "After waking up from Standby mode, program execution restarts in the same way as after...

Getting Usage_FaultHandler exception when reading int32 value from the un-aligned void* ptr. Example: Here data pointer address is 0x20008911, which is unaligned by 4 byte. rpm = ((float) * (const s32 *)_data) / 256.0F;

We are porting applications from STM32F1 to STM32F427 MCU. Currently, we are not explicitly configuring SCB->CCR unaligned trap, based on ARM M4 manual, LDR, VLDR always triggers the fault if the address is not aligned properly.Do I require to use me...

KSing.4 by Associate II
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Resolved! HAL ADC DMA multiple channel configurations

Hello Dear Friends,I am looking for using multiple ADC channels on STM32f429IGT6, but the problem is the code I have generated so far only converts its first input and the rest of the channels are not converted. I hope experts here can help me. Here ...