Resolved! Send AT Command to GSM Module via UART
I am having a problem with this line. When i use sprintf to send command but in this command have "", so this line is error. I want to some advice and solution to this.Thanks
I am having a problem with this line. When i use sprintf to send command but in this command have "", so this line is error. I want to some advice and solution to this.Thanks
In STM32H7B0xxx platform, I use TIM8's TRGO2 to trigger ADC2 converstion.In the MX_TIM8_Init() function, it will generate an update event and fire a TRGO signal unexpected before TRGO2 source initialize.
I found only few ambiguous information how to connect the clock. Are there any documents or shematics explaining the use of external clocks with the STM32?Thanks in advanceUlrich
I've got a custom board with an STM32F469, 32 Mbit of parallel flash, and 64 Mbit of external DRAM. This board had been working fine until an incident where execution or data fetch occurred on the external 32 MBit flash, which had not been programmed...
Hy,I would like to create a simple Custom cards using STM32L562.My first question is: Do you have a simple schematic with only essentials components ?And my second is:at the first initialisation, the MCU need a BOOTLOAD or particular manipulation (ha...
mcu: " STM32F407VGT Discovery Board - DICS1 "application: RTC ALARMi am trying to set the RTC alarm for every 15 minutes in all the day. in each RTCAlarmcallback function i am setting the RTC alarm again with sTime.Minutes + 15.if sTime.Minute...
MCU: STM32F407VGT discovery boardi am trying to use the stm32f407 device in low power mode. andi go through with datasheet related to low power mode. i did not get understand. anyone please help me how to use stm32f4 in low power mode.
I am testing Examples/OPAMP/OPAMP_PGA/ in G4 package code, only to find the gain is not consistent as showed below:The OPAMP input values are 0.01,0.03, ..., 0.15, and gain is 16.However, I measured output at ADC side, the gain drops significant as i...
Hello again,I recently checked the time the STM32F7 (192MHz) needs to copy one 32bit buffer to another one, and I'm a little shocked about how long that takes.(Maybe I expect too much, coming from 8bit µCs with 20MHz, an STM32 still feels like a raci...
I've been sampling some signals using this ADC, embedded in the board NUCLEO-F767ZI but when it reaches the 113th sample, samples are taken wrongly, as I have plotted the memory and the signal shown doesn't correspond the one I am generating. Find my...