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Resolved! STM32 gpio maximum toggling speed

Hi,I my project I need to toggle a gpio pin at 200MHz or more than this.Which STM32 controller is peferable.please any one help me.thanks and regards

Trinu by Associate III
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Resolved! ADC external trigger features in STM32F103C8T6

Currently working with a STM32F103 MCU for a power metering application.In order to have a programmable time shift between sampling voltage & current , i decided to use a PWM signal from the Timer to clock the ADCs.I wanted to kick the ADC1 at the ri...

MBenh.1 by Associate
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Help please, how to debug in SDRAM with IAR?

I am developing with stm32h750.My application is storaged in QSPI Flash and running in SDRAM.I use a bootloader to move image from QSPI Flash to SDRAM and​ jump to image.For downloading, i made a cmd line tool to communicate with bootloader via seria...

LHuaf.1 by Associate
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Known issues with D-cache and FMC on STM32F7

Hi,I'm using a STM32F765 clocked at 216MHz and when D-Cache is enabled it badly affects reads from a device connected via the external FMC address/data bus (NE1, 16 bit data, 10 bit address). The following pictures show the problem (note ringing is c...

0690X00000Buz5hQAB.jpg 0690X00000Buz6zQAB.jpg 0690X00000Buz7EQAR.jpg
dave2012 by Associate III
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Can software under the MCD-ST license be used in a GPL project?

Hi,I found some references about other licenses, but not much about this MCD-ST license,The problem here is `only for use within the Product'. In the licenceagreement restricts a `Product' to be one where the `LicensedSoftware' executes only on ST's...

by Not applicable
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