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Forum Posts

Resolved! USART RX and TX issue

I am using STM32F746G discovery board.~~~void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) {   HAL_UART_Receive_IT (&huart6, Rx_buff, USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);   HAL_Delay(500);   HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart6, &Rx_buff, USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE, 1000);}~...

Mani1 by Associate II
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Datasheet Accuracy Specifications

Hello,I'm doing some preliminary error budgeting for a piece of ATE that may include an STM32 MCU and was curious what the uncertainty of your public accuracies was? Appreciate it,Bob

RGood.2 by Associate
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SDRAM HardFault

I use AS4C8M32SA-6BIN on my board ( I get HardFault when I try to write to the address 0xD00...

0690X000006CpbfQAC.png 0690X000006CoyiQAC.png 0690X000006CoyYQAS.png