Resolved! State of GPIO lines before loading program to flash - STM32F4
Hi, I wonder in which state are the GPIO lines of STM32F407VG BEFORE loading program to flash memory.Thanks :)
Hi, I wonder in which state are the GPIO lines of STM32F407VG BEFORE loading program to flash memory.Thanks :)
Hi all!I got something new for you. We have a pcb with an STM32f446re chip on it. For stability reason, we put an 20Mhz external clock on it, but the problem is, we are still running on 16Mhz (measured it with a toggled gpio on the oscilloscope.) The...
Hi,I want to use an STM32H743 for sampling one TIM.CNT and one ADC channel synchronously and store the data of both peripherals in array buf_adc[5000] and buf_timcnt[5000]. Therefore I want to use the DMAMUX request generation and use LPTIM2 as trigg...
Hi,After i remove the two 0Ω resistors (SB13 and SB14) by soldering iron, and then solder them onto SB62 and SB63 respectively, what can i do to used Usart 2 for ARDUINO interface? Thank
In stm32g030k6t6 mutiple adc channel working fine with DMA , But Not Working in Stm32g030c6t6.Kindly Help
I am using STM32L4S7VIT MCU.I am using STOP2 mode to put MCU in power-down mode, for that, I am simply making all the pins as ANALOG except 1 interrupt GPIO PE0 and then calling STOP2 power-down function, but it is taking around 2 mA current it shou...
I can run the code for the two cores if I program them separately from the Keil, but I would like to generate a .BIN image to send to my client, who is doing tests on a prototype, with the code for both cores.I generate the .BIN with the "fromelf" pr...
This is on a STM32F412RGTx.I just inherited a long over-due project based on this MCU. I've done lots of PIC and 8051 programming, but very little on an STM, or with the HAL.We are sending short commands to the MCU from the PC (ie, SET VAR1 1.234),...
I'm configuring i2c with dma using the registers directly. I'm sure I have an error somewhere but I don't have a great idea on where to go next with debugging. Sometimes my i2c transfer goes through expediently, but sometimes it has a long stall afte...