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SPL2LL_Converter returns error "XML::Parser::Expat object version 2.46 does not match bootstrap parameter 2.44 at C:/Perl64/lib/ line 210."

I am trying to use the GUI interface for SPL2LL_Converter, however for any code in input it always return this error:XML::Parser::Expat object version 2.46 does not match bootstrap parameter 2.44 at C:/Perl64/lib/ line 210.Compilation fa...

EAlve.1 by Associate
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How to reset LPTIM STM32L0 by software ?

Hi,I've seen that several µC (L4) have reset bits (synchronous and asynchronous) in order to reset the LPTIM counter but I found nothing for reset by software the L0 series. The only thing I found for reset is the trigger input. Is it really the only...

parobin by Associate II
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Test stm32 pinouts to use in a force feedback project

Hello guys, so, Im trying to make a steering wheel based in a brushed dc motor and an encoder with a stm32f407vet6. So, I ordered stuff and started testing, the encoder was working until some time it just stopped out of nowhere and now it doesnt give...

RSant.4 by Associate
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Resolved! Is it possible to use USART RX/TX legs to blink a led?

Hello!I have an STM32F411RE nucleoboard.I tried to use PA2 (TX) and PA3 (RX) as a general output. I enabled the clock access and also setted the mode register to general purpose output mode, but when I connect the LED and set the pin high nothing ha...

MSzal.1 by Associate II
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Create a custom cards using STM32L562

Hy,I would like to create a simple Custom cards using STM32L562.My first question is: Do you have a simple schematic with only essentials components ?And my second is:at the first initialisation, the MCU need a BOOTLOAD or particular manipulation (ha...

JCERE.1 by Associate
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Resolved! how to set RTC alarm for all day in stm32f407vgt?

mcu: " STM32F407VGT Discovery Board - DICS1 "application: RTC ALARMi am trying to set the RTC alarm for every 15 minutes in all the day. in each RTCAlarmcallback function i am setting the RTC alarm again with sTime.Minutes + 15.if sTime.Minute...

Vinay1 by Associate II
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