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I am trying to use pin PA8 as a PWM output using timer 1 on channel 1 for a stm32f103rct6. I have successfully programmed pins PA9, PA10, and PA11 to provide PWM output on channels 2, 3, and 4, but when I do the same for PA8 on channel 1, I do not ge...
I was having a problem getting the ADC to work in DMA mode on a STM32F103C8 using the default project created by your STM32CubeIDE. As soon as I called HAL_ADC_Start_DMA to start the conversion, the program would crash. The DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler i...
I am trying to understand the external interrupts for the STM32F103C8. It seems that I can attach an interrupt to any of the PA or PB pins. The first 5 pins (0-4) seem to have unique IRQ handlers, whereas pins 5-9 share a handler as does 10-13. When ...
I used STM32CubeIDE to create the project. The configuration that I used for the i2c is attached. I generated the code and added the following code in the "USER CODE BEGIN 2" section right after the call to MX_I2C_Init(). I made no other changes. uin...
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