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New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


RTC Wakeup timer stops generating interrupt.

Hello,I am using RTC Wakeup timer in STM32F469NIH6 processor. Low level access is using HAL code.I's is configured withRTC.CR.WCKSEL = 0x3RTC.WTR.WUT = 1EXTI.IMR.MR22 is setEXTI.RSTR.M22 is set.It generates RTC Wakeup Interrupt ~122.09usec. interva...

KNath.1 by Associate
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Getting FR_INT_ERR when using f_seek in ff.c

Hello!I was opening a file and trying to read from a specific index of a file on my SD card. I used the following code:FIL fHandle_filename_file; char SDFileName[256] = "filename_1234.BIN";   res = f_open(&fHandle_filename_file, SDFileName, FA_OPEN_...

JayDev by Senior II
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ADC Timer Trigger

My ADC1_Data Register is null. I can't understand why it is. Can u help me?#include "main.h" #include "SysClockConf.h" uint16_t values[256]; // MY CLOCK IS 170 MHz." // STM32G431 // READ_BIT() Fonksiyonu void GPIO_Config(){ RCC->AHB2ENR |= RCC_AHB2E...

YKahr.1 by Associate
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I am using STM32H743I used uart's DMACheck whether data has been received through this functionBut there is no data in the buffer. Why the hell is this happening?And, of course, I changed the linker start(0x24000000) and end address(0x2407FFFF) of th...

BPark.5 by Associate II
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I am working with STM32G4 NUCLEO and STM32CubeIDE. Created a project to use FDCAN2 (classic mode) to evaluete CAN comm in polling mode. On FDCAN2 CAN messages are only received when I additionally activate FDCAN1.

FDCAN1 has a basic parameter 'Clock Divider' set to 'Divide kernal clock by 1'. FDCAN2 does not have this parameter. In library function HAL_FDCAN_INIT(...) there is a statement: /* Check FDCAN instance */ if (hfdcan->Instance == FDCAN1) {   /* Confi...

MBast.3 by Associate II
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Unable to use SPI2 on PA12 PA11 PB15 with STM32H743

Hi,created some SPI2-slave code running on PB10(SCK), PB12(NSS) and PC3(MOSI) without problem. Needed to move SPI2 to other pins as PB12 will be used by RMII in later design. Decided to use PA12(SCK), PA11(NSS) and PB15(MOSI). SCK is running at 12.28...