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Resolved! SPI1 SCK Polarity is incorrect.

I have a B-U585I-IOT02A Discovery board, which is connected it to an external ST LSM6DS3 accelerometer via the SPI1 pins on the arduino connector. The issue is that the SCK line is going low when not active even though I have it configured to be hig...

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cBroadbo by Associate II
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Resolved! Two STM32F103C8´s connected by SPI. Master is sending data=3 as test, Slave STM received the data, HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback is fire, but HAL_SPI_ErrorCallback is fire too, HAL_SPI_GetError=4 (overload)

Hi all.I am trying to connect 2 STM32F103C8 (blue pill board).I run a test using just ONE STM32 using SPI1 as Master and SPI2 as Slave, all configurations were working fine (FullDuplex, Master Transmite. receive only Slave....every test was fine (all...

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ERABALF by Associate III
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SPI using SPI_NSS_HARD_OUTPUT not working

Using a stm32f412zg:I want a simple master / slave full duplex config, using hardware gpio toggle PA4. I believe I am doing the necessary to init it right but 1) problem, the GPIO goest to 0 before the transaction, and never come back up. 2) commenti...

mbristol by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L431 mass erase over SWD not working

Hello,I've created a custom PCB with a STM32F207 controller on it. With this board I want to address different targets using SWD. My targets are a STM32F407 and a STM32L431 controller. I implemented a custom SWD interface with Timer and DMA on my F20...

user 143 by Associate III
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Resolved! SPI: First byte of 16bit TX transfer is always 0

Sending display data to an ILI9341 via SPI. The ILI9341 needs 16bit words in BigEndian. When I convert the STM32 LittleEndian data to BigEndian and then send the data paket as 8bit bytes everything is fine. In order to save the conversion I tried to ...

SFahr by Associate III
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