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Studying the example application in the STSW-IMG 023 software I noticed that in the main.c file in the static void MX_I2C1_Init (void) function a clock speed equal to 1000000 (10 ^ 6) is configured, but if I go to the CubeMX file from where the proje...
Hi, I'm using a board which embeds two ST MEMS: ism330dhcx and lis3mdl. I'm exploiting the MotionFX Library to obtain quaternion and rotation. Which is the way to obtain accuracy regarding roll pitch and yaw. I want to understand how close is the val...
I would like to build an application on an STM32 microcontroller (the one integrated in the NUCLEO-L432KC) that allows to transmit a message of 192 bytes or more if possible on CAN BUS.At first, I was thinking of a mechanism that in the transmission ...
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