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I have a project on a STM32H743-Nucleo-board based on the STM32CubeH7 repository project with a custom tcp server application running. So far I assumed that, when using netconn_recv(), the netbuf data are valid until the next netconn_recv() command. ...
I tested this example from the STM32CubeH7 repository and it works fine.When I try the DMA1 instead of the BDMA, the DMA stops after the first transfer.I made only the following changes to use the DMA1 __HAL_RCC_DMA1_CLK_ENABLE(); // Enable the cloc...
When using an EXTI input to trigger a DMA request, there is only the possibility to trigger on falling or rising edged of the input. But my peripheral has only an output which is active when data are ready for read or write. This output is static and...