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Forum Posts

How to calibrate the ADC of a STM32F7?

I am currently using a STM32F767ZI. As the function "HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start" is not possible for a STM32F7, is there any other funtion or method (e.g. calibrating manually) for an ADC calibration to increase its accurancy?Thanks for any help.

LPräm.1 by Associate
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How can I make a STM32H7A3 UART work in loopback mode?

I have some simple polling UART code that works fine when connected to a GPS receiver. I send a command and get a response back. Now I'm trying something new and it would be convenient to work with RX and TX looped back (connected together) so I rece...

magene by Senior II
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STM32F1xx smbus send address no ack?

my smbus device is a temperature sensor (TMP100).MCU is STM32F103RBT6when i wrote a word to slave as following:I2C_GenerateSTART(SMBus_NAME, ENABLE);while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2C2,I2C_I2C_Send7bitAddress(SMBus_NAME, slaveAddr, I2C_Direction_Transmitter)...

Jseyn.1 by Associate III
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EMW3080 not working properly

Hi,I flashed an EMW3080B module with this firmware ST-EMW3080B_V2.1.11_SPI.ALL from this location on another board not B-U585I-IOT02A. It is connectet to SPI from STM32. Problem is next: when MCU set pin 11(CHIP_EN) from EMW3080B to HIGH to enable mo...

MZamu.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Want (software) reset of CPU (STM32F051) in response to hard fault interrupt but can't compile NVIC_SystemReset() - "implicit declaration..."

I'm exploring STM32F051 using STM32CUBE IDE without use of HAL or lower level support routines (i.e., upon entry at reset vector, manually configure peripheral registers and go - so far so good :)I wish to cause a reset from within hard fault handler...

wb0gaz by Senior
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