Resolved! CNC controller using STM3F4 series MCU?
i want to make CNC controller using STM32F4 series MCU which supports G-CODES of axis i want any library for G-code or any CNC example using F4 series mcu?
i want to make CNC controller using STM32F4 series MCU which supports G-CODES of axis i want any library for G-code or any CNC example using F4 series mcu?
I'm looking for any examples that use the functions/methods/drivers found in the PDF: UM2298 User manual STM32Cube BSP drivers development guidelines . I've installed the Board Support Package in my project and it specifically includes the files: s...
I am currently using a STM32F767ZI. As the function "HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start" is not possible for a STM32F7, is there any other funtion or method (e.g. calibrating manually) for an ADC calibration to increase its accurancy?Thanks for any help.
I have some simple polling UART code that works fine when connected to a GPS receiver. I send a command and get a response back. Now I'm trying something new and it would be convenient to work with RX and TX looped back (connected together) so I rece...
my smbus device is a temperature sensor (TMP100).MCU is STM32F103RBT6when i wrote a word to slave as following:I2C_GenerateSTART(SMBus_NAME, ENABLE);while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2C2,I2C_I2C_Send7bitAddress(SMBus_NAME, slaveAddr, I2C_Direction_Transmitter)...
Hi, I was developing I2C code on the NUCLEO-F410RB to work with the BH1750 light sensor from adafruit when I came across multiple errors in debug mode. The errors can be seen in the "ErrorMessages" attached photo.The "result" mentioned in the error m...
Hi,I flashed an EMW3080B module with this firmware ST-EMW3080B_V2.1.11_SPI.ALL from this location on another board not B-U585I-IOT02A. It is connectet to SPI from STM32. Problem is next: when MCU set pin 11(CHIP_EN) from EMW3080B to HIGH to enable mo...
I'm exploring STM32F051 using STM32CUBE IDE without use of HAL or lower level support routines (i.e., upon entry at reset vector, manually configure peripheral registers and go - so far so good :)I wish to cause a reset from within hard fault handler...
I have software that runs on the Nucleo F401RE, and I install it by searching for the NODE_F401RE 'disk drive'. But recently I've noticed that some Nucleo boards register as NOD_F401RE (no E) drives. And of course this makes a mess of my download. Ca...