Compiler for STM3240G-Eval
Want to know the compiler for STM3240G-Eval Board.
Want to know the compiler for STM3240G-Eval Board.
Hi,I am using one I2C based peripherals with Interrupt enabled.While using "HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit" and "HAL_I2C_Master_Receive", it seems to work properly with ISR.But, when I am using the following I2C_DMA:HAL_I2C_Master_Receive_DMA(&hi2c4, MPU_DE...
Hi Everyone,I found the document(AN5354) talk about 16bits ADC Max sampling Rate and I verify that on M7 Core. It's correct.My implement include Total 3 ADC 3 Channel(one channel per one ADC) run 1Mhz Sampling rate and using DMA with timer trigger Bu...
Hello,Regarding this post I am able to read my encoder value correctly. // STM32 TIM3 Encoder Decoder (PC.06:A PC.07:B) VLDiscovery - #include ''stm32F10x.h'' #include ''STM32vldiscovery.h'' /**********************...
I am using an STM32H735G-DK board to do my tests. My goal is to toggle a LED on PC2 every time I wake up the MPU when I put PG5 to ground. Once the LED is toggled, I want the MPU to go to the lowest possible power consumption. Does anyone have an exa...
The errata sheet of the STM32L476VG states: I wonder if the order of the ADC calibration step is important. I was performing the following steps:1- Set ADC clock source2- Enable ADC clock3- Disable deep power mode (ADC1 and ADC3)4- Enable ADC voltage...
I am trying to write the drivers for stm32f401 nucleus without using HAL and by writing to registers directly. when I created the project I choose the target project to be empty instead of STM32Cube To make sure I do not add HAL drivers. I know there...
Hi My code stops after i use the HAL_NAND_Read_ID function, Also the debugger stops working and i can see no errors to solve.Thanks for helping me.
New to STM32s and somewhat new to C and I need a bit of advice.I am trying to send different number of hex characters to the SPI interface.I have used HAL_SPI_Transmit (&hspi1, (0xB8, 0x03, 0x00),3, 100);however, I get errors. I cannot use variables...