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Forum Posts

Sending and receiving more then 4 bytes with SPI Block

I'm working with MAT-TARGET for several months by now and it is a great tool.In the past few days I encountered a problem regarding the maximum amount of bytes i can send throw the SPI Block (using Simulink R2019b) , while sending & receiving 4 bytes...

Grege.1 by Associate II
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What FMAC can do?

I want to do averaging, and finding peak value of about 1k ADC readings. I wonder if I can use FMAC to do it to offload MCU .

HDaji.1 by Senior
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Resolved! Timer slave trigger polarity for input capture

I want to use TIM1_CH1 to measure pulse width. TIM1 works under slave reset mode. The input trigger is TI1FP1. Ideally, TIM1 resets upon rising input, then TIM1_CH1 captures the falling edge. The CCR1 value would be the pulse width. The problem is th...

Yuan1 by Associate II
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Resolved! RM0090 SAI description flaw

RM0090, SAI chapter:Each FIFO word contains one audio frame.This is incorrect. The correct formulation can be found e.g. in RM0410:Each FIFO word contains one audio slot.Thanks,JW

How to control the blinking rate of RGB LED?

Hi there!I have been trying to interface the RGB LED with STM32L152RE. My requirement is not only to control its color but also its blinking rate. I used a timer for generating PWM signals on its three channels to control different colors of RGB LED....

WKhan.2 by Associate II
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