2022-04-14 7:35 AM
I would like to use the I2C2 (from I2C3) in "STM32G474_MB1303_DRP_ONLY"
besides, modify I2C3_SDA to I2C2_SDA (pc9 to pa8),
I2C3_SCL to I2C2_SCL(pc8 to pa9),
the AF to GPIO_AF4_I2C2,
and use __HAL_RCC_I2C2_CLK_ENABLE to enable clock for i2c2
but I2C2 seemed not to work!!
I used DEBUG to found it will fall into loop of I2C_WaitOnTXISFlagUntilTimeout
the I2C_FLAG_TXIS flag is always "RESET".
is there something I missed??
could you kindly provide me a hint?
Thanks a lot
2022-04-14 10:37 PM
because I use the B-G474E_DPOW1, and the PA8 is used for blue led on board
that is why the I2c2 not working