User Activity

Hello, I am trying to create a simple frequency measuring device using 1 optical encoder and NUCLEO-F401RE board. I want to capture frequency (or period) of impulse, so I was thinking to use input capture mode and capture rising edge of impulses and ...
Hello, I am trying to record MEMS microphone data using STM32F4-DISC board. I used BSP and CMSIS-DSP libraries to gather data and calculate FFT of recorded signal. I save my recordings in static q15_t TempBuffer[2048];  and I want to cinvert this buf...
Hello,I'm testing LIS2DE12 accelerometer, trying to communicate with it through I2C. I want to make an interrupt on INT1 when some larger value is present (sensor is being shaken for example). I configured Interrupt to work on Or mode and for startin...
Hey, I'm trying to read VREFINT value using internal ADC channel for vrefint, I'm converting data from ADC to voltage and getting 1.34-1.38 V. Datasheet says it should be 1.2-1.24 V. Why my reading has such error ? I'm using 238.5 sampling time for 8...
Hello,I changed cubeIDE project structure, put files to folders to make it look cleaner, then changed project location. I managed to fix all linker errors etc. code builds and flashes, but the problem I encounter is that when I try to open cubeMx fil...
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