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stm32f7 as spi slave

Hi. I am trying to work with AD7763. I have the same problem as in this article, but there are no answers in it. AD7763 is master and stm32f7 i...

EP.1 by Associate
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Hello, I am making a CUSTOM HID Keyboard application with the stm32f103 processor, when I add the media keys (volume reduction, increase, etc.) to my project, the function that reads the status of the following leds with event_idx does not work. HELP!

this is leds status code ;static int8_t CUSTOM_HID_OutEvent_FS(uint8_t event_idx, uint8_t state){ /* USER CODE BEGIN 6 */if( (event_idx & 0x01) == 0x01 ){HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA,GPIO_PIN_10, GPIO_PIN_RESET);}else if( (event_idx & 0x01) != 0x01 ){HAL_...

AYılm.1 by Associate II
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STM32F469 HID - add a keyboard to a custom HID

I have my custom HID device running and working fine. I would like it to also emulate a standard PC keyboard at the same time. So when my board enumerates, I would like the attached PC to find my custom device as well as a keyboard.I think I can ju...

Resolved! ADC Result false

Hello ​I need to receive the value of multiple ​Channel of ADC 1 I followed this tuto :​But when my pin 1 is connected to GND i have 1500 of numeric value ​Already tested in Arduino and...

HDIA.1 by Associate III
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How are non-existent pins / ports wired up

Does anyone have any experience of trying to control non-exisistant pins?I have a design that takes stm32f767 in the lqfp100 package. But none seem to be available.Looking around, I managed to procure a small run of stm32f779* in the wlcsp180 package...

Danish1 by Lead III
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Related to equations solving in STM32 MCU

I am using STM32F404 MCU I have interacted MPU6050 with my MCU and now i want to put IMUs data into some Eular equations for my application I have enabled FPU of Processor and using math.h library to code the equations i have observed that its takes...

Chopra.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! ADC DMA not working in stm32H743

I am new to STM32 and want read ADc through DMA.I go through some video and tried to read it but benefit of it.below is the code please guide me /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "main.h" #inclu...

ykn by Senior
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Resolved! TZEN not showing in STM32CubeProgrammer

Dear all,I have a STM32L562E-DK board (DK32L562E$AT3) and when i use the CubeProgrammer GUI, I cannot see TZEN bit in OptionByte panel nor any configuration bit related to trustzone. RDP0.5 does not appear neither (only RDP0,1 and 2). The revision of...

MGran.4 by Associate
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