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Out of the blue my project started giving me the message "Break at address "0xfffffffe" with no debug information available, or outside of program code" whenever I try to debug.


It seems to start in main and debug just fine after this so I have just kept working, but I'm worried that there is something wrong that is going to byte me in the future. Should I be worried?


Not really enough context to determine if anything will bite you later.

What STM32 part? Things like L4 and H7 with latch an erased state until a power on reset.

Is BOOT0 pulled low in the design? That can cause an indeterminate start if BOOT0 floats.

An empty vector could point to this address, perhaps some other initialization issues.

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Sorry about the missing context.

I'm using the STM32F746VET6 and BOOT0 is pulled low. My full image does include a bootloader but I am just debugging the application right now without the bootloader programmed. I did specify the vector table as 0x8008000 in my debug configuration, however, under "Runtime Options->Start Address->Specify vector table (hex)"

Write a duplicate of the vector table at 0x08000000

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I'll try it. I have to admit that it might take me a little time as I don't go into the linker file all that often. I'm not sure how the script I use to merge the bootloader and application hex files will handle hex files with duplicate memory location defined as I inherited this project as well.

This is a final solution or just a test?