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Forum Posts

Compatibility doubts about I2C SCL SDA between a Slave (STM32L0) with VDD=3V3 & a Host with VDD=1V8 , pull-up resistors on the Host side.

Dear ST Community,I do have a doubt regarding an I2C communication between my STM32L031K6Tx that is the slave and powered with VDD=3V3 and a host that is powered with 1V8. Pull-up resistors are connected to 1V8 (host side).I did a functional test and...

Keil: SWDIO no target connected

Posted on February 19, 2018 at 14:48I'm using a stm32f407vg board. Suddenly I can't download my code to flash memory anymore. I'm using the keil toolchain. I tried stm32 st-link utility, but it can't connect to target either. I tried the option 'con...

Resolved! I2C SCL no clock

Hello, I am trying to get my I2C code Master working. I don't have the slave device connected and I am trying to see the output on a logic analyzer. I have connected the SCL and SDA pins to breadboard to a 2k pull up of 3.3V and the board is running ...

VThan.2 by Associate III
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