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DMA1 CCR register is NOT updated (NOT Written)

Hello and Happy New Year 2022,I'm using STM32L072, I set SPI1 to be in "Transmit Only Master" mode, and DMA1 as SPI1_TX (DMA1 Channel 3)I use CubeMX to Auto generate my codeThe relevant SPI1+DMA1 line is: HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&hspi1, (uint8_t *)aBuff...

Has anyone experienced this situation?

I have 2 types totally 4 boards (each type 2) of F103C6T6, I programmed them by ST-Link mini through CubeIDE, any of them could be only programmed once, the next time it would be prompted device could be found in CubeIDE. I mean is there any mechanis...

MQi.1 by Senior II
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Audio spectrum with onboard ADC DMA

How to calculate audio signal from ADC in DMA using FFT to display on LED 10x10. I have STM32F411 DISCOVERY and connected left and right (2 channels) audio from smartphone. I found this guy but his code opa...

MRata.1 by Associate
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Resolved! F401RE Nucleo UART_Printf example produces faulty formatted serial output bytes for ODD parity, but correct for parity NONE and correct when changing settings to 9 bits while receiver is at 8bits.

Hello,During my exploration of the F401RE board, I tried to make the uart_printf example work correctly.Capturing the output of the main MCU via CN3-RX pin to a PicoScope 5440, an CH340 and on board F103 USB interface MCU all lead to the same conclus...

Johi by Senior III
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Has anyone transcoded the SHT30 Sensor for STM32L0 or any series? I didn't know how to adapt the I2C pins while exporting the libraries. For example how can I adapt these parts from arduino to stm32?

Has anyone transcoded the SHT30 Sensor for STM32L0 or any series? I didn't know how to adapt the I2C pins while exporting the libraries. For example how can I adapt these parts from arduino to stm32? link with library:

ZKURT.1 by Senior
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I am trying to read UART and to hold on rx_data array. when I send "AT" to rf module it returns "OK" , but on my code I cannot receive anything from UART. and help appreciated

uint8_t tx_data[2] = "AT"; uint8_t rx_data[10]; HAL_Delay(1000); while (1) {  HAL_UART_Transmit (&huart1, tx_data, sizeof(rx_data) , 250);  HAL_Delay(500);  HAL_UART_Receive(&huart1,rx_data, 20,1000);  HAL_GPIO_TogglePin (GPIOA, LED_Pin);  HAL_Delay(...

TPiri.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Multi-Channel I2S Hardware Design on an STM32F413/423

The microcontroller will be doing little else besides some very light processing on the audio data. The I2S source has a single MCK, SCK, WS, and 4 stereo outputs (3 of which will be used), and the I2S source can ONLY function as a master device, le...

EDeYo.1 by Associate II
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