hello , ı use stm32h750vb I m trying work spı,I set the spi as master mode, when does the master send the first clock pulse.i'm not doing any clock observation at all when i just check clock output
hello , ı use stm32h750vb I m trying work spı,I set the spi as master mode, when does the master send the first clock pulse.i'm not doing any clock observation at all when i just check clock output
hello , ı use stm32h750vb I m trying work spı,I'm trying to raise the miso pin at the beginning of the dialog, I'm wondering how you can do it.
I am using the STM32L072CBT and wish to use PB15 as PWM output. I have created the project in CubeMx but selecting PB15 offers no timer channels at all. I have double checked the data sheet which shows PB15 with AF1 as TIM15_CH2. I have created a new...
I'm using a STM32F469 Discovery board, i was using a board with B-01 revision, my software works just fine, now i want to use the same board but with B-03 revision but for some reason the same software doesn't work on this board.Note: B-01 rev flashe...
Hello, I am using STM32G030F6Px, it has 32 KB flash memory and I need free space to save data in flash, also it needs to have bootloader. That's why I decided to use bare metal code instead of HAL library, of course I did this by examining HAL librar...
I am working with the STM32F446 microcontroller and compiling with Eclipse/GCC. Short version: I have two functions, main1(int argc, char* argv[]) and main2(int argc, char* argv[]) and I want to be able to goto back and forth between the two many tim...
Hello,I'm using stm32h757i-eval board & STM23cube ide for programming.I have successfully achieved the UDP communication.But there is one problem.I want a trigger or auto polling function for the UDP_RECV i.e, when ever there is a input data availab...
I have default setup under linux with CubeIDE 1.7.0 and for overriding, i had to modify as __weak void HAL_PCD_ConnectCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd);__weak void HAL_PCD_DisconnectCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd);oh header definitions. Otherwise i...
Hi,I generate a sine wave on the DAC. To trigger the DAC, I use the TIM 2 timer, which is clocked on the APB1 (32 MHz) bus, then I reduce its frequency through the dividers PSC = 15 and ARR = 1. In this way, I obtain the frequency from the timer equa...