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My problem just like​In ​the SD_init function ,I use HAL_SD_ConfigWideBusOperation to change bus wide.​but sometime it will dead in SD_FindSCR => while(!__HAL_SD_GET_FLAG(...
I use stm32F746 & FreeRTOS & SDMMC & DMA.​When I use f_open in somewhere it will return FR_NOT_ENABLED...​But in my system have the other f_open & f_write is normal work(I am not remount).​My English is not very good,if anything can't understand pl...
Hi everyone, I try to make a custom container from TouchGFX Designer and I would like one of button in the container to call a function in view class. After generating code, I saw that the button call back is already generated and call the function n...
How can I programming​ the external flash in high speed?​I​ programming the emwin file use 2min 30 sec, data size is 15Mbyte.​Have any solution to make programming​ fast?Thanks All
This is my RX callback,it only can run one time, anything I set wrong?I use it in LOOPBACK mode.void HAL_CAN_RxCpltCallback(CAN_HandleTypeDef* hcan) { Response=(uint8_t *)&hcan->pRxMsg->Data; HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart4,Response, 8, 5); HAL_CAN_Receive...