Hi I am using FreeRTOS on STM32H7. For large data, I am using qspi attached and memory mapped external psram.Question is: what will happen if both task try to read/write to psram at the same time?Is there any cache or buffer in place?What if the sche...
Nulceo 64- F334R8. Using Timer A on HRTIM1 to generate non-overlaping PWM pulses on 2 separate outputs. I use 4 CMP registers, defining the start and end time of each pulse (CMP1 = pulse 1 start, CMP2 = pulse 1 end, CMP3 = pulse 2 start, CMP4 = puls...
An STM tutorial on timers has errors regarding PWM mode, for STM32.The tutorial is: "STM32L4 - Timers : Advanced-control, general-purpose, and basic timers"It is a slide-set, with notes. There are at least a couple versions of it, e.g., a version for...
HelloI'm trying to read and write data to the flash on a STM32F413ZH using Keil MDK-ARM. I've been using the following code:uint32_t Flash_Address1 = 0x08140066; uint32_t Flash_Address2 = 0x08140067; uint8_t Data[4] = {0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99 }; v...
Here below is the detail of my application.I am running the PWM timer1 at 5Khz in up-down mode. Two interrupts, one in timer counter equal to zero and ADC fast conversion done.Interrupt generates at every timer counter equal to zero then I start the ...
Hello,I have made a custom board based on the STM32F746. I am using a touch panel which uses the FT5436. My question is: are the FT5336 drivers provided by with the STM32F746 discovery board drivers compatible with the FT5436? I cannot make it work. ...