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#define TRIAC_PULSE_WIDTH 500 // Duration of TRIAC trigger pulse in µs   lcd_init();   lcd_send_cmd (0x80|0x00); lcd_send_string("HELLO WORLD");   lcd_send_cmd (0x80|0x40); lcd_send_string("LCD 20x4 DEMO");   lcd_send_cmd (0x80|0x1C); l...
hello to everyone, i am using stm32f429zi to generate a pulse for a triac . It all function without a lcd display.when i write the code to init the display(via I2C) ,,, the display works very fine but i have a problem ... the output of timer1 doesnt ...
Sorry for not explaining well, my english is not very good but what i am trying to do is a sum of two signals. I have write a simple code . I have the violet signal in PE9 and the light blue signal in PB0. I am trying to do the sum of this pins and m...
I have a STM32F4 microcontroller and want to combine two analog signals into one "combined digital output signal", which have sum of the 2 signals.if i have two analog outputs PE11 and PE13 that will be my inputs of or gate:HOW CAN I MAKE PE12 + PE1...
Using an input capture ch2 of TIM1 ,i want to generate interrupts at every rising edge of input signal(square wave) and call a call back function to do something.The output is is an output compare ch1 of the same timer1. Can you help me?