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Resolved! I2C interfacing not working while using SPI.

Hello.I have been working on a project where the I2C based sensor I have chosen works by itself. When I enable a SPI based module, the I2C sensor does not seem to send any data.The I2C lines don't even have any conflicts with other pins.I have includ...

uartist by Associate II
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SPI communication with X-NUCLEO-OUT02A1

I order the X-NUCLEO-OUT02A1 and I work with a NUCLEO-F746ZG.These two boards aren't directly compatible I know.But they communicate with SPI, so I'm sure that you just can implement the communication with a bit of mapping with some breadboard wires....

STM32H7 SPI DMA not working

STM32H7 SPI DMA not workingHi. I have stm32H745 nucleo board, in my project i want send data from MOSI via DMA (i did the same on old F4 discovery correctly).PE_14, SPI4 , DMA2_stream3, DMUX11=84 (for tx spi4)In project i need to send data (fb[][]) t...

AAnt.1 by Associate II
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STM32G071 ADC channel selection

I wanted to know which channel is converted latest. I configured as belowhadc1.Instance = ADC1; hadc1.Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_SYNC_PCLK_DIV2; hadc1.Init.Resolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_12B; hadc1.Init.DataAlign = ADC_DATAALIGN_RIGHT; hadc...

HPATH.1 by Associate II
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Problem with setting up LIS3DH SPI with STM32F0x ??!!

Hi Everyone. I have encountered a problem in using LIS3DH SPI with STM32F0x MCU. I used to configure and set LIS3DH accelerometer with ATXMEGA families without any issues but this time I really can not understand the origin of my fault. I'm using bar...

MGolm.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! [SOLVED] STM32G030F6 TIM16.1 no output on PB8

I'm trying to get square pulses on PB8 with TIM16.1 output compare, but no pulses on pin (timer seems working: CNT counting, SR flags changing).Setup code:gpio_mode(GPIOB,8, GPIO_MO_AF); gpio_af(GPIOB,8, 2); // PB8 as AF2 rcc_apb2_on(RCC_APB2_TIM16);...

ne562 by Associate II
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Resolved! EXTI15_10_IRQn triggered constantly - STM32L4R5ZI

Hi, I am trying to write an interrupt code to trigger LED(PB14) using user button on my NUCLEO board(PC13). however, as I observed from the debugger, pending bit for line 13 constantly at 1 without pushing the button at all.The EXTI->PR1 = 1<<13 stil...

KHuyn by Associate II
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