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I2C strange signals form

I am now dealing with the work of I2C. As a device, I connect an Eeprom AT24 chip. There are 10K Ohm pull-up resistors. There are no other devices on the bus and nothing else is connected to the boards. Transmission rate 400 kHz.When I connect Eeprom...

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ADoro.2 by Associate III
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[SOLVED] STM32G070 TIM Encoder mode

Dear,I currently trying to used the timer in encoder mode.It seems to working fine whatever the mode configured.I useing the timer interrupt (Capture Compare) to read the number of step (Counter (CNT)).In mode 1 and mode 2, the CNT is decrement by 2 ...

YDann.7 by Associate III
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Resolved! What is written to the USART_BRR register?

What is this value that is written to the USART_BRR register?What is it for?I don’t understand why the calculation is done using the formula: fclock / (the divisor, in my formula it is 5 * baudrate)For example, here is an example calculation:I made t...

MMust.5 by Senior II
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STM32F405 SD DMA only works once, no matter what

Hello,I am currently trying to get an Adafruit Feather STM32F405 board to write to files on an SD card using DMA. I'm using CubeIDE, not STM32duino, and I have tried DMA configurations with both a single stream and two streams (one RX and one TX). No...

liamur by Associate II
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hello friends)))) I bought a new stm32H743 for familiarization and got confused how to implement PWM on HRTIM. I'm trying to do PWM on timer B. configured GPIO_PC8 to AF1 in GPIOx_AFRH. everything is fine there.HRTIM_B_PERxR==2000 HRTIM_B_CMP1xR==200...

MTS by Associate II
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