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Forum Posts

ADC time spends

Hi All.I am building a function using ADC with DMA.what i did in the while loop is just toggling a GPIO Pin.but it seems that the while loop will be interrupted when ADC is triggered.does it means that when ADC is triggered, while loop will be stoppe...

XZhen.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! USART line low

Hello, I'm working with an STM32G05, on a very simple custom board. I expose both USARTs to external headers.USART1 seems to be operating fine - in that I can send/receive data.However, USART2 is not.When I inspected the TX line I discovered it was l...

changing TIM1 Dead-time generator setup continuously

HI,I want to change tim1 Dead-time generator setup continuously between 10 -120first time I set Dead-time with cube mx and it worked correctly sBreakDeadTimeConfig.OffStateRunMode = TIM_OSSR_DISABLE; sBreakDeadTimeConfig.OffStateIDLEMode = TIM_OSS...

alireza by Associate
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Resolved! Timer Interrupt on overflow only

I am capturing an RC PPM signal using an advanced timer with DMA. But now, I want to implement a failsafe in case of a lost connection using only hardware. The closest I got so far is using a separate timer (with pins connected externally) in reset m...

Mosco by Associate II
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Problem of ADC internal voltage regulator in STM32H743IIT

Hello ,When I debug the ADC1, In function HAL_ADC_Init(), it was blocked in " Enable ADC internal voltage regulator " because of the failure of verification ADC voltage regulator,.Here I attached the original code:if  (HAL_IS_BIT_CLR(hadc->Instance...

CME by Associate II
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Resolved! How to write good cellular modem driver?

Hi guys,I'm struggling with modem communication on embedded system that does few other tasks in realtime. I'm using TCP stack built in modem (Fibocom G510). This seem to be not complicated, but every time I'm doing it - I'm doing it diffrent way and ...

Trying to understand hdmi/dvi protocol for noobs

The idea of ​​opening this question is to achieve what I put in the title: understand the encoding of the hdmi/dvi signal, in a staggered manner. I don't want to define any microcontroller capable of it yet, but my intention is, if possible (I know i...