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How to find out which STM32 supports full set of DSP instructions inside STM32CubeMX?

Associate II

What does a full set of DSP instructions mean?

The cores are predominantly CM0, CM0+, CM3, CM4F, and CM7 FPU-S/FPU-D

The functionality is driven via the CMSIS DSP libraries, and whatever core you've told GNU/GCC to compile against.

Perhaps look over the ARM docs?

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Hello @EHD​,

What do you exactly mean by "STM32 supports full set of DSP instructions " ?

If you are looking for a way to integrate DSP Libraries in your STM32 project, I advise you checking the Configuring DSP libraries on STM32CubeIDE FAQ, it will certainly help you.

Thank you.


ST Employee

it is better to find the result in reference MCU datasheet, like below capture:


Unclear the MCU involved. OP post history not exactly enlightening either.

P​erhaps take on the CubeIDE/MX angle about what that facilitates and the examples, or code generation one might expect there.

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