Resolved! STM32F411CEU chip Revision Codes ?
Hi, What are the revisions of the STM32F411CEU6 chip?The ERRATA doc from STM mentions only revision "A" . Are there other revisions?I received board with revision "1" .
Hi, What are the revisions of the STM32F411CEU6 chip?The ERRATA doc from STM mentions only revision "A" . Are there other revisions?I received board with revision "1" .
Hello,Do you have schematics suggestion for using a microSD on the SDMMC interface of the STM32L476? The reference manuel only shows data with 8 lines while the microSD has only 4 lines with data3 share with card detect.Do I only need to ignore the c...
hello dear. I opened the documentation for stm32H7xx and am trying to calculate the address. I don't understand what it means?Address offset: 0x3DCh-0x3EChwhat should I add to the base address?0x40017400how to understand and read it?Address offset: 0...
Hi Team,I have tried using kmenuconfig and bmenuconfig, didn't find the tool. And other way i tried to install using github, but didn't succeed. Can you please guide me.Waiting for your response.Thanks in advance.
I'm currently trying to learn about how the HAL blocking functions of I2C works on the STM32H7B3I-DK. However, the master device fails to receive any data unless HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() is called before it.For example, the following code doesn't pr...
Hello all, I am using keil uvision to direct download the code in a STM32L552MEY6P MCU. My code just toggles a pin. The MCU is connected to a V3 programmer using SWDIO,SWCLK,NRST,GND and VCC. Every time I program with Keil, I am not able to initiate ...
Hello.Is there a complete course or book from start to finish for beginners on new ST programs? I want to switch from arduino.I found the book Carmine Noviello Mastering STM32, but it is old (2017-2018) and it uses an eclipse. I want to find a full-f...
I need to collaboratively program an STM32F722ZET6, but do not have in-person access to the chip, and I can't find any development boards online that use it. I'm new to this, so I don't know how similar a stand-in must be for me to be able to confide...
I have developed firmware on STM32F413 with STM32CubeMX using FreeRTOS. I have several tasks and PPP connection over Serial (PPPoS). I am using KEIL IDE for debug and everything is OK in debug mode and after debug without resetting MCU. But when I po...
We have custom board, having STM32F401VDT6 microcontroller on it. We interfaced a tricolor LED to the Timer 1 PWM channels (CH1- Red, CH2-Green, CH3-Blue). Recently we have ESD test, after that when we stop channel 2 PWM and started CH3 PWM that time...