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Hello Team,1.I want to use ADC1 for reading 7 channels with DMA and one channel with Injected mode. total 8 channels for ADC12. One channel for ADC2 with timer1 capture compare event at 62.5Kz frequency.Total 9 ADC channels want to use. please let me...
Hi Team,I am generating the PWM with center aligned mode by using the Timer1 at 62.5Khz.this PWM is going to Bridge circuit, at this time I have to read the ADC2 with this frequency hence I made ADC trigger with Timer1 out event.I am able to read but...
Hi ,I am using the STM32 cube ide 1.12.0 version and the "search" CTRL+H was working earlier .Now this is not working .I have used the shortcut key ALT+SHIFT+Q+S still not working .. 
I am generating two PWMs with TIM1 CH1 and CH2 .I want to stop the PWMs when Break input is present. I have configured the STM32 Break input in the STM32cubeIDE and able to stop the PWMs when Break input is HIGH(3.3v).I needed the reverse way now lik...
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