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Forum Posts

Alternate Function 0 in STM32

In my STM32, if I have set the GPIO_MODER as "Alternate function" and did not set any values in the GPIO_AFRL and GPIO_AFHL, I guess it will take the defaukt value of AF0. What is AF0 used for ?

SNara.6 by Associate II
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What file defines ITM_RxBuffer?

I'm building my application which includes the CMSIS core_cm4.h file and get an `undefined reference to `ITM_RxBuffer'` message. What file actually defines this variable?

csong.1 by Associate
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Difference between Run mode currents in the datasheet

what is the difference between these below currents– 84 μA/MHz run mode vs Run mode current of 9.45mA in the below table I always confused which current i have to consider while doing power uA/MHZ when to consider and with out indic...

0693W00000QKNukQAH.png 0693W00000QKNv9QAH.png 0693W00000QKNvYQAX.png
na.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Advice on buying a display for STM32F469 Discovery

Hello.I'm going to purchase a round AMOLED display to be used with a STM32F469 Discovery board. This is my current candidate: PV13904PY24G. This display has a resolution of 454x454 pixels. TouchGFX says STM32F4 is usable for displays up to 450x450 pi...

Maurizio1 by Associate III
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After testing the firewall example, NUCLEO-L476RG is resetting continuously even running a simple blinking example with no firewall function.

Board : NUCLEO-L476RGIDE : STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0Driver : STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.17.2Hello,Recently, I tested the firewall example using the NUCLEO-L476RG, and I have been experiencing strange behaviour since then.After testing the firewall example, the boar...

eziya76 by Associate II
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