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Hi all I am working in a project where i need to add the folder with .c and .h files combined in it to the project file i have pasted the folder in the project folder and refreshed the project explorer so i got the folder in the project explorer. The...
Hi all i am working in interrupt driven uart uart2 which is connected to the usb port in nucleo -g431rb The interrupt handler is not been called I have shared my code any thoughts kindly share.void USART2_IRQHandler(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USAR...
Hi all I am working in the implementation of Bacnet MS/TP protocol in stm32g431 using rs485 can any body guide me about the stack available.Thankyou
Hi all I am working on ABPDLNN100MG2A3 pressure sensor from honeywell which is an i2c communication, i have read the sensor data through i2c and saved it in two variable a and b the issue is how to convert the raw data to millibar, any thoughts kind...
Hi all iam working in stm32 f051c8tx microcontroller im trying to recieve a byte and if i recieve a byte in intrupt im printing "hello world " via tx of the same uart, the issue is im not able to recieve any char the below is the code any thoughts p...
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