User Activity

Hello,I am working on a project with STM32H753XI mcu and with external interrupts. The problem is that I cannot take an interrupt to PIN PB2. Specifically:1.The Pin is configured as Rising Edge Interrupt (Also tested as falling edge and rising fallin...
Hello,I am working on a project with stm32h743zi2 Nucleo board in keil IDE. I want to communicate with a server via Ethernet the problem is that I can not get IP via from DHCP server via Dynamic Host Configuration. I use default compiler v6.0 and th...
Hello,I am using an STM32H753 mcu and I working on a project with 8 GPIO Interrupt Pins. I am using RTX RTOS. The problem is that when the interrupt happens the same time with a thread activation. The mcu goes in dummy handler with bus Precision erro...
Hello,I am working on a project with an STM32H753 Microcontroller and I have an external SDRAM 32 mbyte connected to the MCU via FMC. I want to use the SDRAM as default heap space. This because I want cJSON library use this memory space for dynamic a...
Uart ConfigurationUart Receive CodeHello,I am working on a project with STM32L4S9 mcu and I am trying to receive data via uart from a GPS module (ublox CAM m8) which is continuously sending data. The problem is that when I am trying to debug with bre...