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Change the configuration of a GPIO pin in real time

I'm working on a project using an STM32H753XI. The board is using a GT911 touch controller for the LCD. To configure the I2C address I have to control the interrupt pin during reset either high or low. This means I need to configure the MCU pin co...

RLein.1 by Associate II
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Hi, set stm32H750 tim, Error in 'deviceManage/Function-Call Subsystem/Timers': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. TIMERS_Config function : Can not find which APB timer TIM1 is connected to.Default preference value STM32TIMAPB set to APB1 is use

Hi, set  stm32H750 tim, Error in 'deviceManage/Function-Call Subsystem/Timers': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. TIMERS_Config function : Can not find which APB timer TIM1 is connected to.Default preference value STM32TIMAPB set to APB1 i...

lling.1 by Associate II
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stm32h745 Mcu can work only when boot0 is high

Hi,I am using dual core Stm32h745 mcu. I disabled the semaphore by commentig out. The mcu works after code download and reset with stlink. The mcu is able to restart with NRST pin.My problem is : When I power off the board, that is custom made (not d...

STM32 I2C reading data

Hey guys, i want to stablish communication between LM75 and STM32F030C8T6 model.The I2C bus detect device perfectly, but i have a problem in reading temperature from LM75.Like the datasheet says, if i read the 0x00 register it will return the tempera...

MNoro.2 by Associate II
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STM32H743ZI2 TIM2 which clock source?

HelloI have configured TIM2 to throw an interrupt every 10 ms. Looking at APB1 Timer clocks clocks in the clock configuration, a prescaler of 199 with AutoReload set to 9999 should call the interrupt every 10ms. In reality the interrupt is called eve...

LHans.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! I2S on stm32h7b3i-dk not running :(

Hi guys,I have a stm32h7b3i-dk board here and have been struggling with i2s for 5 days.Can't get any further myself and have to ask for help.I attached the project. Can someone please take a look?The problem:1.HAL_I2S_TxCpltCallback is never called.2...

Error when use printf UART

hi everyoneuse printf in UART, i add in file main.c#include <stdio.h>//--------------#ifdef __GNUC__#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_putchar(int ch)#else#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)#endif //------------PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE{ HAL...

HODEFIANT by Associate II
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