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Target: STM32L031C6T6editor: SMT32CubeIDE using HALI getting crazy soon. I cannot get this ADC to read correct. I think I missing something important. I googled and googled again and again.I have two voltage on two separate channels (7 & 8). 6.9V and...
I use ADC 12 bit in STM32L03 and cannot find where CubeIDE defines which reference voltage the ADC should have. ADC_Init() is auto-generated. Is it the default used and what voltage is it?The processor is fed with 3.3V and has VDDA connected to that ...
Does anyone have any tips on creating quick bookmarks in the left margin? On other editors I can use Ctrl+F2 to set several bookmarks within same file. Then use F2 within that particular source code file to find the nearest/next. Missing it in STM32C...
I using STM32CubeIDE and STM32L03.I don't understand how to make a simple sample of a ADC channel (in blocking mode). I had config the Cube to generate a ADC_Init() that contains my 6 Analog In channels. I want to have a function that goes like this...
The Atmega project that I trying to get into a STM32 uses two UART ports and each have its own sets of IRQ vectors. That is RX- and UDRE irq. The last one gives an IRQ when the TX-register is empty.As I said in the latter post, I haven't worked with ...
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