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I want to capture several PWM signals, i.e. measure the pulse widthThe reference manual gives an example for TIM2 TI1 that uses channel 1 and channel 2 to measure pulse width and period. Therefore SMCR.TS bits are set to use filtered TI1 as trigger/r...
page 1320; timer 2 input pwm mode"1. Select the active input for TIMx_CCR1: write the CC1S bits to 01 in the TIMx_CCMR1 register (TI1 selected).2. Select the active polarity for TI1FP1 (used both for capture in TIMx_CCR1 and counter clear): write the...
I am using STM32L412KBU and read in different ADC channels.Now I see that the first read returns 23451, the second read immediately after returns 20338.I use x16 OVS, hence the big numbers.After the second read, values seem to become stable.external ...
In my application I have TIM1 configured to output a configurable frequency - which works well.Now I want to add support for pausing the timer and the outputs should then go to inactive state( = low).But whatever I try with MOE, OSSI, CC2E, CC2NE bit...
Hi,I am playing around with Timers on Nucleo-G031 at 64MHz clocked from HSI and PLL.I use TIM1 with AutoReload of 6 and Capture/Compare Value of 3 to create an 9.17MHz 50% duty-cycle signal.The signals turns out to have 46.4ns high-pulse and 62.8ns l...
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