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What is the lowest power cameras available? MIPI or other interface.Super crystal clear image is not important, but something in range of 1 megapixel or more required.Most i've searched are in order of half watt. Which is a lot.Can anyone point me to...
I tried to overclock STM32G030. I didn't need more speed and such operations should never be used in final product - only for curiosity.But it's 64MHz according to specs. I ended at 160Mhz. Room temperature, 3.3V power supplyTested with rather simple...
I want to sample GPIO state twice per millisecond with DMA.I used TIM16 as basic counter - setting TIM16 CR1 register to 1, ARR to 32000 (half milisecond) and TIM16 DIER register to enable DMA on update (bit 8).Timer is checked to work fine. DMA doe...
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