I've just noticed this: which is true, but shouldn't be in RM0090... :)JW
Hi,I am trying to measure the duty cycle and the frequency of a standard servo PWM signal (50Hz and 5% to 10% duty cycle) using STM32F446. I have configured the timers to be in PWM input mode, and I can read both the frequency and duty cycle. The mea...
I've got a strange situation with a custom board with two STM32F4 chips. My master STM32F4 transmits data over SPI in blocking mode every few 100ms. At the moment the data size is 12 bytes but in theory it should be any size. The Slave chip is in SPI...
Hi,I have incorporated the EEPROM emulation utility in a project based on STM32G474CE MCU. So far the read/write functionality works fine. The problem comes when a page is full and the page transfer function is called. At the end of this function no ...
From the datasheet PA0 is listed as a 5V tolerant IO (FT type). Does this maximum of 5V still hold if the pin is mapped to the ADC input? If not, what is the maximum reading for this case?
How to give the STM32L4 series LPTIM1 timer an initial value,It seems the register address is closed to the public
STM32F767 SAI SPDIF Output, NODIV and Clock GeneratorWhen NODIV bit is set in SAIx->CR1, the SPDIF output frequency is as it should be.Example:clock in is 25.6 MHz, sampling rate is 200 kHz, factor is 128, as it should with "symbol rate" (2 channels ...
Hi,I am using the serial wire debug SWDIO and SWCLK on PA13 and PA14 to program an stm32g031. Can I use these pin after the debug? If yes, do I have to modify some dedicated register (in addition to the GPIO registers) to use thiese pins as GPIO?
Hi,I´m trying to transmit (send only) 3 bytes with the SPI using interrupts, and deassert the chip select line from an interrupt routine that should be triggered when the transmission ends.The line 11 (// more stuff here ...), doesn't run immediately...