ulrta low power 4 channel pulse counter
HiI would like to design an ultra low power pulse counter based. The LPTIM is the best option. However, my application require's 4 channels. Is there anyway to achive this with the STM32?BRGilberto
HiI would like to design an ultra low power pulse counter based. The LPTIM is the best option. However, my application require's 4 channels. Is there anyway to achive this with the STM32?BRGilberto
Unzip, upload to STM32F429 Disco and enjoy!JW
Can anyone explain a usage case or purpose for the 4 Internal and 3 External DACs?Can you operate all three external DACs simultaneously to provide 3 reference voltages?
HiI would like to use some GPIO to read pulses from a gas meter. The will be exposed outside the product. So, I was planning to use a TVS plus resistor to protect tge device.Can someone give any info on this? I believe that it is recomended, but the ...
I am using STM32F401CCU. I am trying to generate PWM, using DMA. WHen i select DMA data size as word (16bit) it is working. But when I am trying to do Byte (8 bit) it is not working. Is it because the CCRx register 16 bit wide? Is there any way I can...
Sir i am receiving Data for 1channel(8bit header + 24 bit Data ) using 16bit SPI and DMA in circular mode . i am not using AD7768 DRDY pin. I am recieving 1 vaild data after some grab data's (eg:0x00000000 , 0x008325DB) again somewhere vaild data(eg:...
I'm starting project with custom board that is controlled in STM32L031K6T6 MCU.I set up that with cube ide and wrote simple Timer code.Unfortunately, It isn't work. Not only that, Nothing is happend(uart, Hal_Delay, GPIO...)But oddly enough, it is wo...
Hello....I have TIM1 clocking at 1ms. It rolls over at 1000 counts (ie 1 second). Within the pushbutton IRQ I add 50 to the timer register and disable the GPIO IRQ. I would also like to enable a compare IRQ here as well, such that after the counter c...
I want to toggle a led when an external interrupt happened. But I could not. That's my code using keil mdk for stm32f103c8t6 Any help, please? #include "stm32f10x.h" void GPIO_Config (void) { RCC->APB2ENR |= (1<<2); // Enable GPIOA clock GPIOA-...