Resolved! stm32g431 boot 0 pb8
how disable boot 0 pin8 i used this pin for input make problem to boot from flash how can disable any condition mcu boot from flash not check this pin when reset
how disable boot 0 pin8 i used this pin for input make problem to boot from flash how can disable any condition mcu boot from flash not check this pin when reset
Is it possible to wake up by connecting the UART pins in PWR_EnterSTOPMode to the pins used for wake up?
I have tim3 setup to count to 25,000 using a 2.5Mhz input signal. This works. I enable the global interrrupt and it fires whenever the counter rolls. I have an issue though, that when I poll the timer for the count, it is double it should be and I...
I have the problem that the CAN message RAM which is allocated for the acceptance filters is not zeroed out on startup.The part of the CAN message RAM allocated for acceptance filter seems to just be random data which means that usually no CAN frames...
Problem description:1-2 bytes in a ~30 byte message (usually at the same spot in the msg) are sometimes missing. Usually it is the 13th byte.If I send shorter msgs via SPI like 10 bytes, the other party receives them correctly.If I wait 50us after pu...
Hello, right now im trying to do an encoder as a project for my digital electronics class. I've done it in two different ways, by functions and by switch cases, and neither seem to work. I have to make it so every time a switch of states ocurr within...
Often trip to Error_Handler from usb_device.c and usbd_conf.c.void Error_Handler(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN Error_Handler_Debug */ /* User can add his own implementation to report the HAL error return state */ __disable_irq(); while (1) { } /* USER CO...
Hello There,I'm looking to migrate from STM32F429ZIT6 to STM32H7A3ZIT6 for a TFT application.I have checked H7 will provide better performance on this.There is one more thing that comes to my mind that H7A3 has better specs than F429. Then why F429 p...