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If I do it just after startup of STM32CubeIDE, I don't get the message, but it doesn't work either (there's a flash of the busy circle, then nothing)
Hi,When I try to create a new workspace in latest STM32CubeIDE 1.3, There is a split second where you see the small disc indicating processing, and then looks like it aborts and nothing happens.I notice that it can work with existing projects/ worksp...
I'm trying to port some firmware from nucleo-F334 to nucleo-G474 for the HRTIM timers and the CubeMX for G474 for HRTIM1 is not working. I found some missing statement in the initialization.I found that the CubeMX 5.3 initlization code missing a part...
I found that the CubeMX 5.3 initlization code missing a part; specifically the HRTIM clock initialization where the PLL is defined. There's a related constant that also needs to be defined. In any case can someone confirm the problem and how long it ...
Making a port from F334 to G474 controller, used CubeMx 5.3 to do 1 PWM using HRTIM CHA 50% duty as a test and got a this error during compile.