There is a problem with the start-up of both HF (25MHz) and RTC(32k) oscillators after a turn-OFF followed by immediate turn-ON (cca couple ms).Oscillators:EPSON FA-238 EPSON FA-135The RTC crystal does not start-up at all and the HF one does show ins...
Hello,I am using an STM32H753 mcu and I working on a project with 8 GPIO Interrupt Pins. I am using RTX RTOS. The problem is that when the interrupt happens the same time with a thread activation. The mcu goes in dummy handler with bus Precision erro...
This is my test program:uint8_t dev_test=0x00;while(1){HAL_GPIO_WritePin(DW_NSS_GPIO_Port, DW_NSS_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1,&dev_test,1,10);HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi1,test_R,4,10);HAL_GPIO_WritePin(DW_NSS_GPIO_Port, DW_NSS_Pin, GPIO_PI...
Hello,I am writing & erasing flash during operation, and this seems to cause a bus stall which prohibits all execution from flash during these operations.AN4808 seems to indicate that if you use a dual-bank device you can avoid this by executing out ...
Hello Experts I am beginner in STM32 , I have a old Discovery STM32 board , I want do some project, Now I require some already availabe libraires ,I dont know where can i get it ?Help me to findout ?
The STM32F070RBT has Hardware Flow Control for RS485, with DEAT, DEDT and DEM bits in USART_CR1 and USART_CR3 registers.How do we identify which series of ICs have these features easily? Is it a particular series or type? The STM32F4 IC we are curren...
That's how it looks: Started the TIM4 interrupt mode:/* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim4); /* USER CODE END 2 */The counter values should be incremented in the middle and in the end of the period, however it doesn't happen. There...
Hi,I am using the NUCLEO-32 STM32L011 kit and I want to put the MCU in stop mode to measure Idd. Everything seems to be going well but when I measure the current, this is 2.5µA versus 0.5µA announced in the datasheet when the stop mode is activated w...
Hi all i am working in interrupt driven uart uart2 which is connected to the usb port in nucleo -g431rb The interrupt handler is not been called I have shared my code any thoughts kindly share.void USART2_IRQHandler(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USAR...