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Every project in this folder for OSPI in H7 chips using CubeIDE compiles with error, Keil complies without errors 
 I have this code it transfers to 0x90000000 (OSPI) data__IO uint8_t *mem_addr; /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */HAL_OSPI_MemoryMapped(&hospi1, &sMemMappedCfg) mem_addr = (uint8_t *)(OCTOSPI1_BASE + address);for (index = 0; index < BUFFERSIZE; index++){*mem_ad...
I used thisBSP_OSPI_NOR_Write(uint8_t* pData, uint32_t WriteAddr, uint32_t Size) from but ...
It looks like simply replacing the QSPI loader files, which are available on github (CubeIDE)but not all is exactly the same.for example the are functions likeOSPI_OctalModeCfg(&hospi1);do I need to call it somewhere ? so far the loader for QSPI is w...
The QSPI is working fine, I can write and read using the standard library.But when using external loader, it can never write the data correctly, though I can read using Cube programmer.this is the data I am getting instead ofI am using the loader fil...