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I do have this demo program in which main.c is disabled so it would start from main_pinpong.c which is the only file withint main( void ){included in target build startup_stm32l476xx.s is supposed to be the startup file but I do not see any reference...
there is nothing on  github.   there is initialization by SPI before the LTDC works is there a sequence like you initialize it first over SPI then MX_LTDC_Init() or it does not matter I do have the initialization code but I am missing something void ...
what does exactly happen here ? static void WriteCommand(uint8_t cmd) { HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi2, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), HAL_MAX_DELAY); } &cmd is address of the variable I wonder if HAL is actually transferring data at that address ?
I have not seen displays with 1 data Lane MIPI but they are always 2 data Lane MIPIbut some STM chips have only one 1 data Lane MIPICan it be somehow connected like grounding the remaining line.
Every project in this folder for OSPI in H7 chips using CubeIDE compiles with error, Keil complies without errors