What is the part number and/or where can I buy a cable from the ST-LINK to the B-U585-IOT02A board CN5?As a tangential question, why in the heck didn't ST just populate CN5 with a male 4-pin? (I'm a firmware guy, I don't solder, well, perhaps until n...
Our design and firmware used to work with former batch but a current lot of STM32F427 does not have a proper readout of the flash size and does not switch from bank A<->B.The STlink reads the following on a working chip:STM32 ST-LINK CLI v3.2.0.0STM3...
I've got a few of the Aliexpress Chinese STM32F407VET6 development boards that arrived recently. I became suspicious when the content of 0x1FFF7A22 is reported as 0xffff, when it should be the flash size in KB. The MCU chip itself reads:STM32f407VE...
Hi there,I just wondered if any of you would have an idea about my current problem, or faced similar challenges:For a new project I would need about 20 configurable EXTI lines, which exceeds the number of any STM32 MCU as far as we know. How could we...
I have a problem with Timer1 PWM generation.We need to generate three pairs complementary PWM signals. The compare value can be modified at counter overflow and underflow event, as below shows.It seems the PWM center-aligned mode can’t meet the requi...
I'm using an STM32F429ZI (NUCLEO-F429ZI)I have setup Timer 1 CH1/CH2 in encoder mode TI1 and TI2.I have also setup CH3 as input capture a rising edge. I want to capture the encoder counter every time I have a rising edge on CH3. But I have trouble ca...
I've used pizza and beer's code (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2XaCFsWxSw&t=1399s) for a 48 kHz in out CODEC routine on a STM32F769DI board successfully. My issue is that the incoming data in memory needs shifting before I can convert it to a floa...
The TCP network of NETX generated by CubeMX does not run successfully.I have studied ST's NETXduo example and tried many possibilities, but it still doesn't work. The development board is NUCLEO-H743ZI.