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Problem with slave SPI receiving

Hello, i've got trouble with receiving SPI in interrupt.Im running 2 SPI's on STM32F103RCT6; first is transmit only master, second is receive only slave, bus speed is 2MHz on both. SYSCLK is 64MHz.Transmitting works great (blocking mode), but HAL_SPI...

MMcAl.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! How can I program the microcontroller for multi-thread?

I want to disassemble the ADC function and BLE data transmission asynchronously.So, I want to program the microcontroller using multi-thread.When I coded BLE, It look already used multi-thread but I couldn't understand it exactly.Is there any example...

KKIM.6 by Senior
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STM32F103C8T6 (Blue Pill) CAN BUS Communication

Hi, I´m trying to communicate two blue pills between them using CAN bus, but when I try to run it, it doesn´t even finish the start up, because I tried to use a blink program selecting the CAN in the .ioc and not using it and doesn´t work.Does anyone...

Resolved! STM23f303-re vs STM32F303-ze virtual comm port

Hello,I have a project working on the F303-re Nucleo board. I want to run it now on the F303-ze Nucleo board. Apparently virtual com port doesn't work the same on the ZE as it does on the RE. I can take a new RE board, copy the binary file to th...

DPeki.1 by Associate II
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Infinite SPI interrupt request

Our custom board is using the stm32u585. The MCU is the master, communicating with a accelerometer through SPI port 3.When reading the data from the accelerometer, using HAL_SPI_Receive_IT or HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA, the SPI 3 interrupt is constantly gen...

VPHAM.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Please tell me how to load the project into stm32

I ran stm32 with cubemx and iar to execute the project, but I have to remove the st-link line and execute itIf I take out the line, the project can't be executed, so how can I only connect the board and power to run the project?download active applic...

ark2 by Associate III
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LPTIM fires unexpected CMPM interrupts

I struggled with the CMPM interrupt and made a small test programm to reproduce the bug.To see whats going on I use an oscilloscope with 2 GPIO pins called A and B.​Pseudo Code:​LPTIM_IRQHandler() { setGpioA; clearFlag_CMPM; resetGpioA; } ​ main()...

aritec by Associate III
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I am trying to setup UART on an STM32L072CZTX. I am using interrupt mode and the interrupt seems to be firing due to a pause in main loop execution but nothing inside the interrupt seems to be occurring

I am trying to setup UART on an STM32L072CZTX. In the ioc file I have setup the pins, RX is set to AF4 pullup, and TX is AF4 nopull. The interrupt is set to 0 and enabled. I have redefined the RxCpltCallback in the main and have events occur in there...

JGusl.1 by Associate II
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