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Forum Posts

How to write doublewords to flash on an STM32F411RE

I could get HAL_FLASH_Program to write WORDS, as soon as I moved to FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD the last error returned is alwasy PGA | PGS flags in the SR. PGA = alignment, PGS = sequence. I referred to every internet article I could to figure out ...

ELeyl.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! UART DMA Transmitter and receiver issue

i'm using STM32F730 as uart receiver and STM32f0 as uart transmitter baud rate 9600, 8 bit data representation. i'm using DMA with interrupt for the communication. i'm using HAL for programming on IAR workbench. The transmitter is continuously transm...

NSing.5 by Senior
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Hard fault invalid state

I'm trying to inject a simple wrapper around my timer interrput handler written in C - primarily for debug purposes to simplify debugging the state of registers and stack before the C code gets in and messes up the stack and state pushing all the jun...

ShawnP by Associate III
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Resolved! How to get the PVD state on the STM32L4xx ?

Sir,I am using the STM32L432 for my project.How to get the PVD state ?I want to know the power voltage that is above the level or under the level.Thanks.void HAL_PWR_PVDCallback(void) { if ( __HAL_PWR_PVD_EXTI_GET_FLAG() ) { // TODO: get ...

JLiao by Associate II
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How to make ınput capture with STM32g030f6t6?

Hi everyone, I'm trying to use Input Capture with 1 Timer by using both edges option as external. I'm new at this microcontroller and I could not understand how to make it correctly with HAL library. Can anyone help me how to do?

MÇETİ.1 by Associate III
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