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STM32L476 Timer question?

I am using one timer to trigger a second one and produce pwm outputs on the second timer. I would like to know if I disable this pwm timer (using CEN) and then re-enable it, will the PWMs re-start or wait until the next trigger event to re-start?If t...

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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Resolved! dirent.h and unistd.h not found

I used stm32f469i-disco and lvgl to work with the lcd. but when i am using lvgl 8.30, error appear and says "dirent.h" and "unistd.h" not found. where i can found the library? pls help

BAl K.1 by Associate III
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DMA firing 1 time with TIM9 on L152 nucleo

Hi all, I'm trying to have the ADC sampling rate controlled by a timer (TIM9 in this case) and when 8 samples are acquired, DMA will fire a transfer complete interrupt. So far I'm able to get the ISR to fire one time but never again. In main I set up...

Resolved! Doubt regarding Moving Average Problem is STM32

Hi,I want to compute the moving average of an IR sensor and set the brightness of an LED and im taking input values from read and I have set up an a timer interrupt which gets triggered every 100ms, and with this trigger I'm saving the read values in...

STM32F105 can bus FIFO didn't receive Extended ID

HiI am new at stm32 and build my can bus code i can receive and loop std id message between can1 and can 2 without problems. But when i send extended ID FIFO didn't receive them so didn't loop to another cansetup stm32f105transreceiver actual TJA1055...

GK2 by Associate
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