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Hey Guys , I have stm32l053r8 custom board . I am trying to send the data using LPUART but unable to send any data. I have shared the snapshot of the code and the configuration . Please do let me know what I am doing wrong ?Thanks in...
Hey Guys , I am working with stm32l053 controller and MFRC522 . Can anybody share any link which has library for MFRC522 UART communication instead SPI.Thanks in advance.
Hii Guys, I am using stm32l053 microcontroller custom board . I want to generate 24 clock pulses on PC2 pin . Is there any possible solution to this problem ? How can I generate exactly 24 clock pulses on this pin?Thanks.
Hey guys , I am trying to program custom stm32 board using stm32lorwan module using stlink v2 pins. I have configured debugger as followed.Can you tell me debug configuration?>>Connect to remote GDB server , port no 61234>...
Hey Guys , I am trying to interface MAX11212 adc with stm32l053 controller. But i am not getting any data on my RX buffer. Details about max1121218 bit adctwo pin spi moudule with clock and dout pin24 clock cycles required to send data o...
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