stm32 interrupt timer1
I want to make 3 pwm with the timer1 on an stm32f103c8t6 and when the timer reaches its reset value an interrupt should be generated. I tried a lot but nothing worked. Can someone please tell me how I do this?
I want to make 3 pwm with the timer1 on an stm32f103c8t6 and when the timer reaches its reset value an interrupt should be generated. I tried a lot but nothing worked. Can someone please tell me how I do this?
HiSTM32H7A3VG is one of the few stm32's who fit my requirements. This is however sold out on most platforms. Can some one comment on that? Is this chip still in production at all?
I wrote the below assembly macro in startup.S file..macro DEBUG_ToggleLED88 /*Enable clock to the Peripheral Set the pin to output Toggle PD14 */ .equ RCC_BASE, 0x58024400 .equ GPIOD_BASE,0x58020C00 .equ AHB4ENR_OFFSET,0x0E0 .equ RCC_AHB4...
Hi!To give some background, I am trying to interface SDIO over the STM32F429I-DISC1 board by configuring the pinouts to enable SDIO 4-bit Wide Bus and then connecting it to a SDIO breakout board.In the reference manual I checked the clock configurati...
Hi,I would like the apply the DAC values of my STM32H723 together with an external event (external trigger). This event is a falling edge. Is this possible at all? The problem is: No matter how I configure the EXTI line (falling or rising), the DAC v...
i try to crash my code to check the watchdog timer is reseting the code or not. for crashing my code i use timer interrupt. i.eTIM2_IRQHandler(){---------------;---------------;}TIM_IRQHandler() instead of TIM2_IRQHandler . so, code will be crash at ...
I'm using a STM32L152C-Discovery and a USB-RS232 adapter to receive data via UART protocol from the board. The system clock is 32 MHz and I'm using a baud rate of 115200 and no parity check. To view the messages on the PC, I use Putty configured cons...
We have 1,000 boards with STM32L071CBT6, 20 of which cannot be connected to the MCU with Jlink, but can be connected to the MCU through USART. Connect the USART and use the system Bootloader to burn the program to Flash normally, but the program can...
I want to store some data at start address (0x0800F800) until end address (0x0800F820) on flash memory of STM32G030J6. I save data when the address is empty. When the data has reached the end address, I want to erase all data stored from start to end...
Hello,I am using the STM32H7B3LIH6Q with a MX25U51245GMI00 flash memory. The flash is only capable of using Quad SPI, not Octo SPI. If I wanted to use it, do I just use the Dual-Quad SPI mode in CubeMX to utilize it? Or would it not work at all?Also,...