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Forum Posts

Resolved! Problems with the F103 hardware I2C

A year ago I heard from a friend that there was a problem with the STM32F103's hardware I2C. All the ones I found on the internet said there was no problem with the hardware I2C of the ST, but not the F103 series. So, I have two questions. First, I w...

Resolved! HAL I2S Receive DMA mode stuck in BUSY mode

On a stm32 mcu, using HAL_I2S_Receive_DMA the clock generation is started. At first, the application went into a hard fault and nothing is subsequently written in the data receive buffer.HardFault_Handler:08000942:  push  {r7}08000944:  add   r7, sp,...

jess by Associate II
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MCP2515 Module Library

Hello,I would like to use MCP2515 module which can be found here. Is there any tested official or nonoffical library that I can use with stm32f429-disco developer kit? Thanks inadvanced.

Öyild.1 by Associate II
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writing single byte in flash

I'm trying to write on the flash of the stm32u5 microcontroller. Why in the flash driver, in particular in the file stm32u5xx_hal_flash.c, is present only FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_QUADWORD and FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_BURST? Is it not possible to write on the flas...

IVent.1 by Senior
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HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback() doesn't trigger

I am working on a STL32F401RET6 MCU and the HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback() doesn't work even though I turned the global interrupt on.Here is my code for the callback functions : void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { HAL_GPIO_T...

LBiss.1 by Associate
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STM32G0B1RE FDCAN normal / external loopback issue

Hi everyone,I am currently experiencing some issues with the FDCAN interface; my setup consists of two nucleo boards (Nucleo-G0B1RE) which use FDCAN interface to communicate with each other. As transceivers I am using two ATA6563-click boards.The clo...

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lr2 by Associate
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