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Forum Posts

STEVAL PROTEUS-1 - Modal analysis using impact hammer

Dear all, I'm trying to evaluate the IIS3DWB sensor using the STEVAL PROTEUS-1. Would it be possible to use the sensor to capture transient vibration e.g. Modal test using an impact hammer? Is there an example script for STEVAL PROTEUS-1, to capture ...

Ravide by Associate
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SRC236/441 libs with Hard FPU support?

I believe all of the audio processing addon libs, (SRC236/SRC441) are built without hardware FPU support. The problem is my entire project was built with hard FPU support. I tried the mixed SW/HW, but that didn't solve the issue and I couldn't build ...

Zaher by Senior II
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Communication with STEVAL-MKI109V3 kit

I would like to use STEVAL-MKI109V3 with LSM6DSV16x Imu sensor. I have other tools like ESP32 and some sensors that controls autobrake system based on IMU data. I communicate between ESP32 and PC(Python) through BLE. However, if I add STM32F401VE. th...

FKara.3 by Senior
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Resolved! SPI Signal Shape Issue

Hello,I am try to control an external DAC system with the SPI interface. The clock signal shape looks like the attached file. I didn't figure out the meaning of the signal. Yellow is the clock signal and the blue is CS signal.

AE104 by Senior
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Bit Banding issue

I have an issue with using bit banding on stm32U575ZI-Q board when I want to write on it Hard fault is appear what is the problem and How to overcome this issue?

rsoli.1 by Associate II
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littleFS on STM32H753 using Keil - issue

Hello,I'm using STM32H753 eval board, earlier I was using STM32CubeIDE wherein I've successfully tested littleFS(File system) library with external flash. littleFS - code works ok in debug mode and nor...

AShel.1 by Associate III
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