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Behaviour of WWDG on STM32L071KZUx.We are trying to read and write 256bytes from the Slave. In a specific case the Slave needs delay of 120ms to process the data when we add 120ms of delay in the MCU, the void HAL_WWDG_EarlyWakeupCallback(WWDG_Handle...
I have flashed the firmware into flash memory using i2c application programming.when the controller is booting from flash memory,i can see the uart console logs .I have configured the PB6 and PB7 pins are i2c pins.I set the clock speed to fast mode u...
We are flashing the firmware to stm32g0b1ke mcu using i2c in-application programming.after flashing the firmware to mcu,changed the boot configuration to boot from flash memory.I set the boot pin to 0 and option bytes to 0xFAFFFEAA for booting from f...