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Resolved! Using of LPUART1 on L031K6

I'm trying to receive data from the LPUART1 serial port on the L031K6 development board.Unfortunately all my aproaches failed so far.Sending data works fine in all three modes:BlockingNon-Blocking ITNon-Blocking DMAI'm routing the LPUART1 to PA2 and ...

Interrupts in EEPROM emulation(AN3969)

I'm trying to implement "AN3969 EEPROM emulation in STM32F40x/STM32F41x microcontrollers" on STM32F407.According to the documentation, "Interrupt servicing during program/erase is possible".However, when actually installed, interrupts stop completely...

UpStream by Associate II
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SPI without CS

I am using TLC5941 Led driver and it communicates with Nucleo-U575ZI-Q and SPI on TLC using three wires only clock, MOSI and MISO and there is no CSso I have an issue with connection so my question is:Is there a way to make SPI on stm32 without CS?

rsoli.1 by Associate II
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Nucleo F401R1 - Timer interrupt and lockup

 I am using timer interrupts to read 2 optical encoders connected to 2 motors. Everything seems to run fine for a while, then I get a hard lockup and everything stops. The time can be 5 minutes or 2.5 hours. I installed and setup watchdog and when it...

THoyl.3 by Associate
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For STM32L4S5, how to access the calibration register and how to calculate what values to store in that register? We're having a problem with the calibration of the real-time clock. It's significantly off-time over a period of several days.

We believe there is a register setting to calibrate it, how can we debug this issue please? What are the steps to calculate the calibration register value and how do we get them into the register?

EHD by Associate II
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NUCLEO-C031 Pin Change interrupt not firing

[Update]Seems you can't mix C and C++ files easily, so I converted the main file to C and everything works fine. [/update]I am attempting to do what I thought would be a simple pin change interrupt on PB0.I set up the pin change in HAL and it works, ...

MHank.1 by Associate III
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