User Activity

Hi @Jocelyn RICARD Greetingswe are trying to run TFM example (with secure and non secure project) taken from GPIO_Toggle_TZEN Example and adding SPI communication in the non secure project on our custom board mounted with STM32U585aii6q controller SP...
Hi @Jocelyn RICARD Greetingswe are working on the STM32u585 TFM Application and are facing issues when running the code. the issue is after dumping the code using the script first time every operation is normal, but while running for th...
Hello communityGreetingsi have a requirement to write and read data from the SRAM2 and Backup RAM from the TFM Application example. please suggest how can i write and read an array of bytes(10 byte) from the SRAM2 and Backup RAM in the above mentione...
Hello @stI am taking the reference implementation of the HKDF Algorithm using PSA API in the TFM Application Project and using the following algorithm :PSA_ALG_HKDF(PSA_ALG_SHA_256);I m able to export the output key to the console and am getting an o...
Hi TeamGreetingsI have some general queries with respect to the usage of the TFM Application provided in firmware package.(Some of them were asked previously but to get a clear understanding)1. For calling a secure module(example UART or ADC) - can i...
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